Monday, 12 April 2010

Daan Saath

so so so so so i visited my brother with my other brother down in Framlingham (I didn't know about that place either) and just in this village nearby (I want to say Leyton but don't quote me) was this aaamazing thing dubbed "House In The Clouds" which looks particulally fantastic on such a sunny day
I want to go, but at £700 a night I'll have to marry in to money.

I rather want to do some letter-press stuff at college (will do one day, because we can.) but i found these ye olde ex-press wooden ..blocks in snape maltings, and managed to spell me name out of all the wrong letters, as all the good ones were gone, boo! but i bought them anyways, to make a door-plaque for uni for some reason...

Last activity in the south, in preperation for out FMP (final majow project), which is based around "escape", i invested in some tiiiny men to put in silly places as a starting point. more to keep myself busy than anything.. anyway, there are pictures of them in more relevant escape-e locations but this picture shows off my brothers gnarley mole scar ever-so-well



1 comment:

  1. That is twisted.

    The 'House in the Clouds' is in Thorpeness, which itself is in Leiston.
